An English Anaesthetist and Cardiologist travel to South Sudan to volunteer in Juba Teaching Hospital for 10months.

Monday 21 March 2011

The Hospital

After a few weeks at Juba Teaching Hospital (JTH) the management were forced to invest in new signs for the medical wards because of the great changes that had occurred. Examples are shown above.
Now for a (very small) bit of history.
JTH was originally a British Army barracks but was abandoned by them and handed over to the International Red Cross to become a hospital in 1973. The Red Cross returned ownership to the newly formed Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) in 2007 and JTH was born. It lies on a dusty sprawling site with multiple brick single -story buildings each containing wards, operating theatres, pharmacies, clinics and storage facilities. As mentioned before the hospital is the country's flagship hospital and acts as a tertiary referral centre for the local clinics.
The junior doctors have until now been trained in Khartoum (the capital of Sudan, in the north) where the Juba medical school was moved during the war for safety reasons due to the heavy shelling of Juba. They are slowly moving the medical school back ready for independance but since most of the lecturers were from the North there is a desperate shortage of qualified trainers. There is a nursing school newly established which turns out pristine looking student nurses in their crisp pink uniforms (see photo).
One thing that you should notice is that this place is CLEAN. Compared with other health care facilities we have seen in Africa this place is sparkling. The Chinese have been here teaching the staff cleanliness and we are not even allowed to start ward rounds until the cleaners have finished their rounds! All the beds were repainted last week, and the mattresses repaired. The latter item truly is a luxury and is not available in the government institutions of neighbouring Uganda and Kenya.

The top photo is outpatients or in English terms, the Emergency department.
Below that shows the fami
lies waiting outside the medical ward for their loved ones inside.

Below this writing is the female medical acute admissions unitAbove shows the main general theatre 1

Decades of war have left the hospital in desperate need of investment and development. As private clinics spring up around charging extortionate amounts for even the most simple tests the locals from the surrounding villages travel often great distances for care here. Patients even arrive with referral letters from other NGO's such as MSF and Merlin, most, I imagine, not realising the facilities at our disposal here.
We spend much of the day either doing ward rounds, theatre or writing and giving presentations to the juniors. Above is a picture of Heidi meeting the hospital's local monkey, named by us 'Muddles'. There appear to be no other monkeys anywhere, as most have been killed and eaten, but Muddles appears to have escaped this fate. He (maybe she?) strolls the hospital grounds, in and out of offices and cars generally chilling his boots.
Below is one of the chefs at out camp, with his pet bay deer. It was brought to him by locals a couple of weeks ago who were trying to sell it for meat. Clearly no-one could actually kill the cute little thing so he was purchased and now lives here trotting behind the guy following him like its mother!

And what about us over the last couple of weeks? Well, Heidi is fully recovered, much to the relief of everyone at the camp. There was a real feeling of camaradarie here with staff and guests asking daily about her progress. We haven't really been out and about. We sunk a few 'White Bulls' and 'Nile Specials' at the local Ethiopian bar but have generally chilled by the Nile. Nothing else to report really. Except we did head over to church last Sunday, only to realise too late that we had attended the local language service! The singing, however, was incredible.

1 comment:

  1. guys are my heroes. Really!
    Keep up the brilliant work
